Stopped here on the way to Waco, great Chicken Tacos, the closer you get to Austin, the more Taquerias

mrbill, registered, evening before ride

Waco Art, near the Brazos River downtown

Great spot for Bands near the Brazos

Early on day of ride

Start Line

Austin Bike Zoo, the Bat

Bike Zoo Butterflys

Ready to Ride

Following these Gals home is getting to be a habit, Cathy from Waco

The Bat

Austin Bike Zoo

Robert and I at, Georges, rehydrating

Some mighty fine Fish Tacos

Our waitress, Stephanie, they don't get any better, lots of fun, as a matter of fact, too much fun, and I told her to stop serving me after 3 drinks, but a storm blew up and we were trapped inside so she kept em coming.
Another thing I figured out, Robert says he can't take pictures so he leaves it to me, this means he's always in the pic with the girl, got to give him some photography lessons, she wanted her pic taken with me.