
70 deg f
25 miles

Some photos from my ride today.
It was really nice out, sun, 70 deg and just a bit windy, windy is getting to be the new norm.

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60 deg f
29 miles

What nice weather for bicycle riding, a little wind but other than that almost perfect, sun and 60 deg F.

I met up with Jerry, Roger and Rodney at Kims and the 4 of us did a 14 mile loop. We headed out hwy 155 and then took a cut thru road to hwy 11 (Seven Bridges Road), and then back to Linden.
One little problem on todays ride, Rodney was having trouble with his gears, I got behind him and had him shift thru the gears. When he shifted to his higher gears at one point I notice a spark, not good, I tell Rodney we'll stop at next intersection. I look at Rodneys cassette and derailleur and notice their touching in higher gears, not right, then I notice the rear wheel doesn't look seated. We turn the bike over, take out the rear wheel and put it back in, problem solved.

So we had a good ride and then I got home, changed clothes and headed to Dangerfield to Outlaws for some Barbarcue, an all around good day.

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60 deg f
30 miles

Today turned out to be a nice day for a ride. We had our rain and we've had the wind, still do, but it was nice for riding.

I met up with Jerry, Roger and Jim Trimbles a new rider from Eagle Landing.
We all did a 14 mile loop south of town and it was real fun tackling the high school mountains into a head wind.
Jerry treated everyone to coffee after the ride, a good time was had by all.

I couldn't help but notice the Jonquils on todays ride, their really blooming at present, actually about 2 or 3 weeks early due to the nice weather we've had. Most of the Jonquils are yellow but I saw some nice white ones today, photo below.

I've currently got a good book going, "Tecate Journals: Seventy Days on the Rio Grande" by Keith Bowden. The story is about a guy who travels the Rio Grande from El Paso to the Gulf by Mountain bike, raft and canoe. I'm finding it really enjoyable as I've spent some time in several of the places along the river.

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70 deg f
16 miles

Weather wise today was a blah day, cloudy and wanting to rain but couldn't quite get it together.
I rode to town and on the way home I thought I might get rained on but it was just a heavy mist.

I had a good time in town visiting with Tim the motorcycle man who was working on a Harley, pretty interesting. Tim is also a biker who last year did a bike tour of New Zealand, I'm always impressed with a motorcycle rider who is also a bike rider, not normal.

I posted a picture today taken at Kim's convienence store mainly to show the conditions of the day, cloudy, Blah.

A video of some wild downhill, not for sissies or old people

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72 deg f
16 miles

We're having some beautiful weather for riding here in the middle of winter.
Today I went to the gym and then to Marietta for lunch and after I took a ride. I just rode to Linden and back but it was a good ride, except for the 2 dead deer I had to pass on hwy 8, not nice, blood and guts everywhere, just not what I needed.

Good weather again tomorrow so I'm sure I'll be out for a ride, I may also have to get out the chainsaw and cut up a tree that fell on the trail we walk around my property, it's a never ending thing.

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