80 deg f
25 miles
I got out this morning for a 25 mile ride, hilly, hot and humid, it's that time of the year.
I'm looking forward to the gym tomorrow, it was closed Monday.
Maybe I can sneek in a short ride it it's not raining.
As I'm writing this I get some huge thunder and lightning.
78 deg f
40 miles
I managed to get in 40 miles, no rush just a good ride.
On the million dollar bridge to nowhere
Had good attendance at services this morning
"If your going to San Francisco"
78 deg f21, May, 2016
I had a great time today at the "Magnolia Blossom Festival" in Magnolia, Arkansas.
Click image below for Ride Report.
80 deg f
It sure is easy to get behind on this website, no excuses.
On May 14th I went to Gilmer for Refuge International ride put on by Deborah Bell. I always try to attend this ride because it benefits the poor folks of Guatemala, a country and people I like very much.
We had a pretty good turnout for the ride, Jerry, Charmane, Michael Prewitt and a host of others attended.
I did the 40 mile route (38 miles) and it was a good ride, conditions were good and lots of friendly folks.
The after ride party was good as always with drinks, pulled pork sandwiches, chips and good company.
Tomorrow, May 21rst I plan on going to Magnolia, Arkansas to attend the "Magnolia Blossom Festival" and do a 32 miles ride before the festival.
80 deg f
I finally got the photos uploaded from my mini-tour or the "Washington on the Brazos Tour."
I haven't written up my trip report yet, I should have it done in a couple of days.
In a nutshell my tour was from Navasota, Tx to Washington on the Brazos st park, Chappel Hill, Brenham, TX, Independence, TX and then back to Navosota.
For photos of my Tour click on the image of me below. If you see a photo you like be sure and click it for the larger photo which has much more detail.
Don't want you to miss this award winner,Great Pic, yeah, I'm braggin.
80 deg f
Today starts my "Washington on the Brazos" tour.
I'll be going to Navasota, spend the night and start riding the next morning, May 5th. I'll ride to "Washington on the Brazos" state park south of Navasota to see where the Texas Declaration of Independence was signed.
After the park I'll ride south to Chappel Hill where I'll take a break and then head to Brenham.
I'll be staying overnight in Brenham and hopefully going to the "Kenney Store" in Kenney Texas for some food and music.
I'll return to Navasota on Friday on some different backroads and I'll pass Independence Texas where Baylor College was first started.
Left Linden around 11am and got into Navasota around 4pm. Since I had some time to kill before bedtime and it was warm I got me a room at the Super 8. After a lot of talking and begging I got Jennifer to give me a disount on the room.