March 19

March 19

17 miles
75 deg f
585 days left

Got in a ride today, nice but windy.
Spring is here everything is blooming and budding out. I took the photos below yesterday when I walked the trail around my place with the dogs.





75 deg f
587 days left

Today I rode with Jerry on a day trip to Waco, TX and back. Jerry needed to take a wheel to the bike shop for repairs. It's about a 3 1/2 to 4 hr drive so it made for a full day. We had a good ride down, just one spot of construction on the interstate.

We arrived at the bike shop around 11 am and met my friend Robert who took us out to eat and then took us for a bit of sight seeing, Robert, thanks again for lunch. We went to see the Castle, the Gorilla and the famous "Silos."
We also went to eat at a place called Sassies, a black run establishment with great food, my kine of place, a great vegetable plate.
The "Silos" are on a lot down town and it's owned by a couple who take old houses and restore them, their on TV and so the Silos get quite a bit of traffic. We found out it's a place mostly catering to the ladies who shop for all the little nice things you furnish you nice house with, all at a nice price. We just couldn't get over the amount of people, it was crazy.

We finally headed home about 1pm and on the way home we stopped at a convenience store, Bucee's, a mega convenience store and I got my pic with Bucky.

When I got home and looked at the pics I took I started thinking that maybe they had a Security Man follow us around, check out the guy in the Blue Shirt and White shorts, hands in pocket, near the center of the pic.

Yep, there he is again keeping an eye on Jerry, actually I can kind of understand this. I also labeled this pic, "Two Men With Hands in Pockets"

Bucee's, one Hugh convenience store. I started to get a pic of the mens bathroom, never seen anything like it, it's almost a big as some convenience stores, it had about 30 Urinals and about 15 toliets.



72 deg f
594 days left
25 miles

Today started out with a little yard work, I took my "Sling Hoe" and knocked down some weeds. I could use my weed-eater but the weeds are scattered and not hard to get with sling hoe and I get some exercise.

I also walked the dogs a couple of times around the trail.

At 12pm I headed to Linden on my bike to meet up with Jerry for a ride, we managed to get in 25 miles, it was a beautiful day for riding, 72 deg, Sun and a light breeze, perfect.

We may get rain tomorrow but no big deal, tomorrow is gym day.

The roadsides are covered in these Jonquils, a member of the Daffodil family.


Milan San Remo this Saturday, I really hope Sagan does well.



72 deg f
594 days left
25 miles

Today started out with a little yard work, I took my "Sling Hoe" and knocked down some weeds. I could use my weed-eater but the weeds are scattered and not hard to get with sling hoe and I get some exercise.

I also walked the dogs a couple of times around the trail.

At 12pm I headed to Linden on my bike to meet up with Jerry for a ride, we managed to get in 25 miles, it was a beautiful day for riding, 72 deg, Sun and a light breeze, perfect.

We may get rain tomorrow but no big deal, tomorrow is gym day.

The roadsides are covered in these Jonquils, a member of the Daffodil family.

68 deg f
596 days left
17 miles

I had a nice weekend on the bike. Saturday, Jerry, Roger and Charmane joined me for a 30 mile loop near the house. It was a perfect day and we had a good time, we also stopped at Mimi's cafe in Marietta which is always a nice stop.

On Sunday I rode to town and back for 17 miles, the weather was a bit better than Saturday, little warmer and a little less wind.

In Pro Cycling the Colombian, Bernal won Paris Nice and Sagan is back in action at Tirreno Adriatico although not much from him at present as he's recovering from a stomach virus, but he's coming along, it's early in the season.

60 deg f
600 days left
32 miles

Update: Got together with Jerry and Roger and got in 32 miles, nice but windy.

On one of our backroads we passed this Ditch Cleaner, a first for me.

Thought I'd do a little update just to see if I still remember how, If you stop by here occasionally to look for updates, I apologize for my laziness.

One thing is my lack of posting shows just how exciting my life is, not very, especially when it's cold, rainy and generally just plain depressing weather.

I am happy that the Spring Classics in Pro Cycling have started, my favorite time of the year for cycling, some great races. "Tirrreno Adriatico" is what i'm watching at the moment, Bora had a tough day yesterday in the TTT, a pedestrian wanders onto the course and 2 of Bora's riders go down, not a good start to the race. I'm really curious to see Sagan back in action and how he'll do considering he's had a stomach virus and is not full strength.

Rain this morning, getting to be a regular thing, and then strong west winds this afternoon, if the sun comes out I'll probably ride, come on Sun it's been awhile.