October 19


20, October, 2019
22 miles, trucker
68 deg f
379 days left


On Wednesday the 16th Jerry and I went to Waco to visit a friend of mine from school, Robert White and to take a bike ride around Waco.
We had a nice visit Wed night, listened to a little John Prine among others and enjoyed good conversation.

After breakfast Thursday morning we got out for our ride about 9, it was a really good route. It's really nice around Cameron Park and along the Brazos river. We also rode thru the Baylor campus, all in all a great route to see Wacko, even Lake Waco.

After the ride we returned to Linden and it took me a couple of days to recover.


12, Oct, 2019 20 miles, trucker
50 deg f
387 days left


Today Jerry and I took our bikes to Avery, TX to the Avery Volunteer Fire Dept. fund raiser, bike ride and fish diner plus a t-shirt.

This was not like a regular bike ride, they had a 20 mile mtn bike ride and a 30 mile road ride, you just decide what you want to do and ride, then show up back at the Firehouse for the feed.

It was about 44 deg at the start, I was layered and only took off my vest, a cool day but beautiful. Jerry and I just motored along, really nice roads and no hills the most flat terrain I've ridden in a while.
Jerry and I reached the small town of Annona after about 12 miles, and stopped for a cup of coffee. There was a really nice clerk who gave us free coffee, and we had some fun with her over an item on the counter at checkout. As I come up to the counter Jerry is talking to the clerk and he has a small gold packet in his hand, I thought maybe it was chocolate but when Jerry said, "well, I haven't got much use for these anymore," I looked closer and I saw that they were condums. The Clerk then says, "Yep, they come in three sizes, Small, Medium and Liar," needless to say that brought laughs all the way around.

A good day on the bike, just took it easy and had a good time, we even cut off 10 miles and ended up with 20, yep a relaxed ride.