

28, Sep, 2019 32 miles, trucker
90 deg f
401 days left


Nice day for a ride, bit of a South breeze but not bad and a little warm at the finish.
I met up with Jerry and Brent at the EZmart at 9, we did a loop SE of town and ended up at the Truck Stop.
While at the Truck Stop we had a visit with Merle Haggards cousin, he told us about when Merle was in church and if the preacher looked like he was going to run overtime Merle would raise his arm and start pointing at his watch, he wanted to get home in time to watch football.
On the way back to town we also went by and checked out the "Paupers Cemetary," interesting and glad to see it cleaned up, it was almost lost.




17 miles, trucker
91 deg f
403 days left

I got out for a ride this morning, 17 miles to town and back.
On the way back from town I was riding hwy 8 and on a relatively smooth section of road it felt like I had something on my tire, I stop and spin the wheel, oh crap, a bubble.
I proceed to lower the air pressure and I make it to the house. I just had my rear tire explode a couple of weeks ago.
The tires were not that expensive and I've got about 8000 miles on it so I'm putting on another one just like it.

Another thing of interest is something Jerry came up with, a small Air Horn for use as a dog repeller.
I got me one and it didn't take long for me to test it out, about an 8th of a mile into my ride I give a blast to Big Boy and he turns and heads for the house.
Seems to me a pretty humane way to deal with the dogs.