June 20

June, 20


21, June, 2020
16 miles
85 deg f
134 days left



Got in a ride this morning, seems like riding every morning is paying off, I'm feeling, Fuerte.
On yesterdays ride with Jerry I even ran his battery dry, love it when I do that. Don't get me wrong I still know my place after riding with a 16 yr old last weekend.

It was a nice moring, cool but humid and in the afternoon we had a bit of rain, need more and are supposed to get it.  

In the reading department I'm close to finishing a Really Good book, "Leopard at the Door" by Jennifer McVeigh.

Update on the Big Dog that has been chasing me.
On Friday morning I went by and I had my "Wasp and Hornet Spray" at the ready. I didn't get a direct hit but the overspray turned them around.
On Saturday moring the lady was out watering and I heard the dog bark but he didn't chase.
Well today he chased half heartedly so I guess I'll remain at the ready, I'll keep you posted.




17, June, 2020
16 miles
90 deg f
138 days left



Seems like a lot things happened today.
I got out for my ride around 8 am and rode to Linden and back, stopped for just a minute at the Truck Stop. I've been feeling pretty good on the bike and I think it helps that I'm getting out before breakfast.
On my way home on my county road I spotted the wild Morning glories. These plants are amazing, how do they put out a beautiful bloom when their growing in dry sand with temps in the 90's, beats me but I sure do enjoy them.

As I got home and was walking up the driveway Bootsie was barking she doesn't usually do that, as I neared the fence I saw the large Rat Snake. He may have been headed into the yard for a drink but with me and Bootsie in the area he turned and left down the driveway.

As I was moving to let the snake by I noticed a Rabbit stuck in the fence, he looked fine but on closer inspection, sadly, he was dead. It appears the rabbit got his front half thru but his hind legs got caught. So after putting my bike up I proceeded bury the Rabbit.

Today was also when Bootsie and I had to go to the Vet and get Baby who had Heatworm treatments, now the fun begins. For at least 10 days very limited activity and Bootsie and Baby usually wrestle 24 hrs a day, this may not be easy.





16, June, 2020
16 miles
90 deg f
139 days left



Got in 16 miles today with a ride to town and back. The ride went good except for one big dog that I'm going to have to get serious about and I don't really want to.
Ignorant, incondsiderate people really get on my nerves, big dog has been chasing me for a couple of yrs and the homeowner knows and does nothing. No one will be happy when I spray the dog with Wasp and Hornet spray and I really don't want to do it. I started out being friendly then progressed to rocks, sticks, pepper spray, air horn but he just keeps on coming, the time has come.

My last few rides I've been enjoying having a few little wild plums after my ride, they line my driveway, and talking to Mr.Rabbit.



I see where Trump is going to have one of his "Hate Rallies" in Tulsa. I really think they need to stamp a T on the forehead of everyone who attends so we will know who to avoid, corona virus and ignorance. The folks won't mind they'll love the T on their foreward they will probably wear one for the rest of their lives, and so it goes.




15, June, 2020
09 miles
90 deg f
140 days left



First off today I had to take Baby, my sweet dog, to the Vet for her heart worm treatment, I'll pick her up Wednesday afternoon.
I don't mind telling you that me and Bootsie sure do miss her, you don't realize how much a family member means to the unit until their gone. Bootsie and Baby are messing with each other constantly, 24 hrs a day so you can imagine that Bootsie is blue right now.

After I took Baby to the Vet I managed to get in a short ride before it got hot. It was a nice ride, no dogs this morning, which is always a plus.
After my ride it's lunch time then me and Bootsie hang out in the A/C until about 6pm, this is my reading and nap time.

I finished "Kilo" by Toby Muse, a really good book about Cocaine from the leaf to it's final destination all over the planet.
Since I've made a couple of trips to Colombia and really like the place I found this book especially good. Me and a friend stayed in the Poblado area of Medellin and now I know why we didn't have to much success with the gals, they're getting anywhere from 30,000 to 50,000 dollars a night, a bit out of our budget.

I'm now reading "The Tea Planters Wife" by Dinah Jefferies so far a really good book.





14, June, 2020
09 miles
92 deg f
141 days left



I had to make a trip to T-town this morning so I got out before breakfast for a short ride.

As I walked down my driveway with my bike a little rabbitt appeared about 15 ft in front of me. I've seen this rabbitt before and he seems half tame, strange.
As soon as I saw him I stopped and started to talk to him in my best rabbitt voice, he looked around and suddenly hopped straight toward me. At about 5 feet he stopped and I kept talking to him, finally I told him I had to go and when I started moving he hopped away, nice start to the day.


Also saw this wild pic, rough




13, June, 2020
27 miles
92 deg f
142 days left



Today was a warm one but we had a good ride.
Roger, CJ (Roger's daughters stepson) and myself rode from Red Hill to Marietta and back with a break in Marietta at Mimis.

This was CJ's first long ride and he was on one of Rogers bikes so it was all new for him, I was courious as to how he would do.


This was our view of CJ on the way to Marietta, we didn't hardly see him at all on the way home.



2 more melons from my garden, one 14.2 lbs, one 15.4 lbs and one 16.4 lbs, they turned out pretty tasty.




12, June, 2020
88 deg f
143 days left



No ride this morning, things to do around the casa and then had to go to Texarkana.
Before going to T-town I was checking out my garden after walking the dogs. I checked on my oldest Melon and decided it was ready, so I harvested it.
After a little research I decided the best way to determine if it's ready is if the little tendril on the vine near the watermelon stem has died and turned brown all the way to the vine, it seems to have worked, but I also like to thump it, nice hollow sound. I've got around 10 or 11 more and it won't be long before another harvest. I have tried to stagger my planting so I will have melons for a longer period, we'll see.





11, June, 2020
16 miles, Trucker
84 deg f
144 days left



Got in 16 this morning, backroads to town and hwy home.


Like these Shady Lanes on warm days

Couple of pics from my garden.

Jubilee Watermelon

Blue Hubbard Squash




07, June, 2020
27 miles, Trucker
90 deg f
148 days left



rode solo today and it was warm out there but I had a good ride on a route that I really like. I felt good and even tho it's hot as long as you keep moving it's not to bad.
The cows were friendly, oh if everyone could be like cows, and I ran upon a little squirrel who I thought was injured, he was laying flat on the ground and didn't move until I got right up on him, I guess at least someone was enjoying the heat.

As I was entering Linden on Hwy 11 I ran into Brent and Alden and had a nice visit, they were also getting in a good ride, wish I'd got a pic, I'm blaming heat.

The rest of the day was regular, eat, nap, read and watch a little boob tube.
I really hope the storm in the gulf gives us some rain my garden is in need but it looks like most of the rain will be to the east.





06, June, 2020
25 miles, Trucker
90 deg f
149 days left



I managed to get out for a ride this morning before the extreme heat and humidity of the afternoon.
I met up with Roger and Jerry at the Truck Stop in Linden at 9:30 and I was back at the house around 11:30.

I didn't do much the rest of the day, outdoor shower, let the dogs in and then we napped for about an hour followed by some reading and a bit of TV.
This time of the year we don't usually go outdoors untill about 6pm when the temperature needle starts heading south, slowly.
We do have a tropical storm in the gulf and hopefully it will produce some rain for my garden, I can always use rain on my sand.

A couple of pics from our ride, sorry you didn't get to see a pic of me, Jerry hasn't sent it yet, I might add it later.





05, June, 2020
17 miles, Trucker
90 deg f
150 days left



I felt good today on my ride to town and back for 17 miles. I took the back road to town and Hwy 8 back to the house and I stopped at the TruckStop to get my Lottery tickets, hope I win so I can get the hell out of this heat, maybe return around October.
I also stopped by Teresa's and picked up some squash that her and Glenda cooked up, good stuff.  


I thought I'd also post a pic of that meal I found yesterday at Wally World, good stuff



I'll be meeting Roger and Jerry at the Truck Stop in Linden tomrrow at 9:30 am for a ride from Linden to Almira to Red Hill and then back to Linden.

Here's a Link to the route, this is not a race and everyone is welcome.




04, June, 2020
9 miles, Trucker
93 deg f
152 days left


Things are starting to heat up in NE TX and get nasty too, as in Humid.
I got out for a ride this morning I did my 9 mile loop, it was nice as long as your moving.
After my ride I had to go to Wally World mainly for dog food although I did score a good frozen meal, quinoa with lettuce and several other things, really tasty and nutritious.


In the reading department I'm currently reading "Before We Were Yours," by Lisa Wingate, good book.


03, June, 2020
16 miles, Trucker
90 deg f
153 days left


I saw where today was National Bicycle day, at least I think it was, I didn't see it advertised much but I'm not doing a lot of social media these days.
So I was inspired to take a ride, rode to town and back and enjoyed it, the weather was nice but it is bodering on HOT.
It's getting hot enough that the dogs are wanting to come in and lay up on the couch in the afternoon.
This time of the year I really enjoy all the color on the road, lot's of flowers of all kinds, I guess we have to thank Lady Bird Johnson for some of this it was her program to spread flower seeds along the hwy, good for Lady Bird, what a great legacy.

Photos from my ride today.



02, June, 2020
84 deg f
154 days left


Some photos of my plants, or my Corona Garden, be sure and click for larger pic with more detail.