September 22


30, September, 2022
80 deg f
11 miles



Jerry, Roger and i did the Mike loop today about 11 miles.
Here's a couple of pics of Roger and Jerry climbing HIgh School Mountain, a good little hill.  

Later in the day I had me a Chicken Pot Pie, got to be careful with those Pot Pies



29, September, 2022
80 deg f
16 miles



We are having some beautiful weather and Jerry, Roger and I were out taking advantage of it this morning.
We met up in Linden for the Cemetery cut thru loop about 16 miles and I wore a light long sleeve shirt even tho we started at 10 am, it was nice and cool all day long.

Our ride ended at the Fuel Center and we hung out and visited a bit plus had some curly fries.
Jerry has asked me a couple of times to help him clean his stove pipe so I suggested we do it right now, so we proceeded to Jerrys house to get her done.
First off we had to find the wire brush and rods which were not in their normal place so you know how that is, frustrating, "it'll be alright Jerry, No it won't, were are the damn things."
Finally after a call to his daughter in Phoenix we found the brush and rods, Jerry was happy, me not so much, ha. Not really much of a job if your comfortable working on a second story roof.
We got her done so Jerry is now ready to fire up the wood stove, and it probably won't be long until that happens.





28 September, 2022
85 deg f
17 miles



I guess today will be remembered as the day "Ian" the Hurricane hit Florida, don't know yet how bad but it is but probably won't be good.

I managed to get out for a ride this morning, I did my intersection loop plus the game farm for about 17 miles.
I spotted a new animal at the game farm, not sure what it is.






27, September, 2022
85 deg f
19 miles



Chilly this morning, low 50's felt like 40's.
Jerry called about a ride so we agreed to meet up at 10:30 for the Intersection loop approximately 14 miles.
Roger and Arron also showed up making for an enjoyable ride.


Just a couple of Funnies





26, September, 2022
90 deg f
17 miles



Cooler this morning so didn't leave on my ride until about 9:15, we are definitely going from Summer to Fall and I'm loving it, no AC today.
I took a few photos on my ride today, the little Violet flowers are lining the road and we've all noticed them and commented on them, really nice.
I got a picture of the Johnson grass in full seed, don't remember it quite like this in a long time, add a little color.
I also got a photo of the Imu at the game farm, their really funny and pretty tame. I called to them as I went by and when I returned they were out by the fence to greet me, I once fed one of them some apple slices.  

In the Book Department I started "Lincoln Highway" today. Young man in the story has a 48 Studebaker Land Cruiser, good looking car.





23, September, 2022
96 deg f


I'm back, the only trouble is your probably not here, but I understand.
Maybe I can remember how to do an update, I have updated my miles for the year successfully now let's see if I can post a couple of photos.

I took a ride with Jerry and Roger this morning, we did the Tobacco Road loop and these photos were taken as we passed the game ranch.

I've read a lot of books since my last update so I'll only mention here the one I just finished, "The Afghan" by Frederick Forsyth, 3 stars and I'm fixing to read "Lincoln Highway" by Amor Towels which I'm really looking forward to.

I'm keeping this update short and sweet until I get back into the swing of things, if I do.
If you drop by here occasionally I am impressed and I apologize for the lack of updates.