April, 23

05, April, 2023
75deg f
10 miles
I took Teresa and her dog Josey to the Vet this morning, an interesting morning. We knew there was a possibility of bad weather and at the Vet we had to gather in a safe exam room during Tornado Alert. Fortunately we had no problems but it was a new experience. Pictured is Dr Dobbs, a really good Veterinarian.
It was funny while we were all huddled in exam room folks were talking about how they had to get there pets out from under their beds because of storm.
When we arrived back in Linden the whole town was out of electricity but surprisingly I had electricity at the house.

04, April, 2023
85deg f
10 miles
Unfortunately he will probably never go to prison where he belongs because
Justice is For Sale in America.

03, April, 2023
84 deg f
10 miles
Not much happened today, just another day of retirement.
I got up late, about 8:30, and after breakfast I took the dogs for a walk, heaven, no stump to kick.
After our walk it's plant time. We got a good rain yesterday so today I did a little dusting so varmints don't eat the young sprouts. The nice thing about my potted plants is there is very little danger of varmints since there on the porch where I can keep an eye on them.

02, April, 2023
80 deg f
10 miles
The main thing I accomplished today was to do away with that stump that I've kicked a couple of times with my hurt toe, should have done it 2 weeks ago.
After removing stump I watered my plants, got up to 80 deg today so the plants are loving it
Yesterday I went over to Jerrys to help him get his TV working, it hasn't worked for a while now. Jerry thought it was the position of the antennae so I climbed up on the roof and adjusted the antennae a bit but that wasn't it.
I had asked Jerry if he had checked his connections behind the TV, well I went inside straightened up the mess of wires, tightened up connections and surprise, surprise, it worked, TV now works fine.