"Tour de FireAnt",
Marshall, TX
9, October, 2010

Temperature at Start 78 degrees F
Temp at Finish 92 degrees
47 miles
2 hrs 55 min

Getting ready to ride

Early folks at registration

Dave Fletcher, an Online friend I met for the first time in person

Steel is the Deal

Texarkana Riders

Edge Cyclers from Texarkana, a good showing

Gathering at the Start Line

Always nice to see the young folks involved, a good thing

Ready to Roll

Rest Stop 4, about 28 miles in, First Stop, looking Fresh?

Red Hat Mamas, these ladies put on a Great Rest Stop, get your Red Bull, ten more miles

Whats left of mrbill, wish I could drink beer and eat pizza

Texarkana Group, Jack Baker on left and Whoop Whoop on the right

The T-Shirt


Email mrbill

Page last updated, 10, October, 10