"Lake Wright Patman to Jefferson ride"
Jefferson, TX
20, November, 2010

Temperature at Start 48 degrees F
Temp at Finish 60 degrees
40 miles
Foggy, damp, no sun

Stop in Bivins

Scott has a flat in Bivins

Grupo watching Flat repair

The Support crews

Enjoying the Flat Repair

Jerry, On the move

Barry, rolling down Lodi road

What About Bob?

At the Courthouse in Jefferson

Barry and Marlyn Monroe, watch those Hands

Enjoyed my Catfish

Terry's favorite part of the ride

The walls of the "Hamburger Store" are completely covered with dollar bills, we added ours
Thanks to Scott for this pic

Terry explaining about the Rectal Thermometer

The Hamburger Store

Thanks to Scott for this photo

A nice group of folks make for a nice day
Thanks to Scott for this photo


Email mrbill

Page last updated, 21, November, 10