Stamps Ride

70 deg light NW wind
35 miles

On way to ride, pretty flat around Bradley, AR

Jerry and Roger headed North on Hwy 53 out of Buckner, AR

Hwy 355 headed East toward Waldo, AR.

Brent pulling up to Intersection of Hwy 355 and Hwy 371, 3 miles from Waldo, AR.

Where's Waldo? we found Waldo

Mary Francis Frost Crossen the pace setter for the day

Leaving Waldo, AR, and the Famous Waldo Water Tower

Arkansas Camper Van, seen leaving Waldo, AR

Jerry headed west on Hwy 82 toward Stamps and the finish.

The Riders, Brent Crossen, Mary Francis Frost Crossen, myself, Jerry Harp and Roger Warren

