Mrbill's Bikenbreakfast
Oct, 04, 2023
90deg f
15 miles
On September 30th me and Jerry took a trip to Paris, Tx to see what Pump Track racing was all about.
This was a Worlds Qualifying event. I believe the top four went to Nationals and the overall winner gets his trip paid to Worlds.
We met Alec Bob No.2 in the world, nice guy, and his Mom explained a lot about the sport, good folks.
Click on the image below for some photos from our trip.

If this doesn't make you smile, check your pulse
Oct, 03, 2023
90deg f
10 miles
On September 28th Roger, Jerry and myself took a day trip to Carthage, TX to visit the Texas Country Music Hall of Fame.
We were really impressed, it was really well done.
Click on the image below for photos of the trip, click on image for larger version for better detail.

Sep, 26, 2023
93 deg f
10 miles
A slow day today, went to Wal Mart this morning after walking the dogs and watering my pepper plants.
I did go visit with some folks at the Fuel Center this afternoon.
Last Friday, Sep 22nd, Jerry, Roger and myself went to Avery Island, LA to visit the home of Tabasco Sauce.
Click on the image below for The Avery Island trip report and some more photos, be sure to click all photos for a larger more detailed photo.

Sep, 17, 2023
90deg f
22 miles
I had a good ride with Jerry this morning, got in some Hill work, 22 miles with over 900 ft elevation gain. Wasn't feeling my best but made it.
I haven't been riding a lot on the road due to some muscle issues and the heat I'm hoping to get out a bit more since the temps are moderating.
Be sure and click the images on this page for a larger more detailed pic.

For a look at the route click Details Here
Sep, 10, 2023
93deg f
10 miles
We're finally getting a break from the heat, had the windows open last night and needed a little extra cover on the bed, it'll only be in the low 90's today.

Sep, 08, 2023
99deg f
10 miles
Thought I'd better update before I forget how this thing works.
Since I last updated we have had a really rough summer many days over 100 degrees and as high as 106, not good your kind of locked indoors where it's cool.
Most of my riding has been indoors due to the heat and a problem with some muscles in my neck. I'm thinking cooler weather will solve all my problems and I'll be smiling once again.

Since it's been go hot to go outside I've been doing a lot of reading, you can check out the link on the side of this page to see the books I've read.