89 F,
I had a great time in Waco this weekend at the "Waco Wild West 100" bike ride.
I decided I'd just ride with Robert and do the 26 miles, he hasn't been riding much.
Well as usual once we started, I had to go, first back to the finish on the 26 miler, should have done the 50, but it worked out well and I did get a good workout and had tons of fun, a lot of friendly folks.
One neat thing at the ride were the "Austin Bike Zoo" creatures, one Bat and 3 Butterflys, really well done.
After the ride we checked out the Art exhibits at the finish line and then it was time to head to the casa to get a shower.
We decided we'd got to "Georges" for some Tacos and a couple of drinks.
To make a long story short, a storm came up and we had to hold up in the Bar, Stephanie, our waitress took real good care of us, even tho I said a few bad words about her on Sunday morning, it was your fault Stephanie.
We had a great time, I think I'll do it again next year, just pray we don't have storms.
89 F,
Well Fall finally fell along with about 6 1/2 inches of rain, Hallelujah.
This is a really nice thing after about a month of no rain and temps near or at 100, I like what a friend said, "I think I hear the grass growing."
Needless to say the riding also increases with the better weather, my conditioning is improving and I'm really enjoying my new bike.
I'm looking forward to the "Waco Wild West 100" ride this weekend in Waco, should be a good time, they have a great crowd and it's a good event.
I'm getting itchy feet to leave the Country but the weather is so nice here at the moment I just can't commit, Ecuador is my Country of choice, I'll get there, just don't know when, love the Andes.
98 F,
I had a great weekend of riding, Sunday was one of those days that you wish you could bottle, great ride, felt good, why can't everyday be like that.
I've been pushing it a bit lately trying to improve my conditioning and I do feel it coming around.
Today I'm going for an easy ride, I think I need an easy day.
Leave a commentFrom:Tomand it's always the rear wheel
That's so you can get your fingers greasy
98 F,
Nice ride this morning, was on the road before 7am, really nice out early.
98 F,
Had a nice ride this morning, I believe my conditioning is coming around a bit.
I am really liking my new bike, after a little tweaking the front and rear derailleur and loosening up the headset she is really performing nicely.
I guess my next ride is the "Waco Wild West" bike tour, on the 28 of September.
I'll be staying with Robert and if anyone would like to go and need a place to stay, get in touch with me, Robert likes to have guests, so far me and Jerry are going.
I've done this ride before and it's basically flat with one hill and a lot of folks seem to fall down on that hill, guess they get used to the flats, you got me, but it's kind of funny.
Leave a commentFrom:TomThat ain't smooth.
No kidding, they call it Chipseal, I call it MiniCobbles, it gets a bit better every year and when it finally gets smooth here they come with more rocks, it never ends.
98 F,
I had a good ride Sunday morning, guess Saturday got my weekend off to a good start.
About a week ago I cleaned my Mtn Bike and it's been lonely so I decided to take her out today.
I lubed the chain and derailleurs and hit the road.
It's always weird when you change bikes and it took me about 3 miles to get comfortable, I kept thinking, "this thing is heavy."
It was good to take the Mtn bike out but I guess I'll be back on BlkBeauty tomorrow.
Didn't hit anything today.
Gym was good today, a good thing, physically and socially.
100 F,
Went to the "Douglasville Fire Dept Ride" this morning, it was good fun, enjoyed seeing some old friends and making some new ones.
I posted a pic of "smooth pavement," well here is what we were riding on today,
Leave a commentFrom:TomYeah, but it's a dry heat.
I prefer smooth too.
That's what they always say, and I always say, "It's still to darn Hot"
you wouldn't like "Texas Chipseal," heck, who does? It's almost cobbles
101 F,
Been riding, it's pretty nice if you get out early, and with low humidity our 101 deg wasn't that bad today.
While leaving Linden today I was on a really smooth patch of pavement, yeah, the same one I was on when I hit the Armadillo.
99 F,
Today I rode where the Buffalo roam