October 18

October 18

25 miles
64 deg f
745 days left

Vote Beto

I finally was able to get out on the bike today after a few days of cold rainy weather.
I rode to town and met up with Jerry and Roger at the EZmart and we did the Linden, Almira and Red Hill loop, 25 miles for me. It started out cloudy and cool but about 30 minutes into the ride we had a bit of Sun.
All in all a good ride, it was great to be back on the bike.

I've been trying to get over a sore throat, the doctor put me on an antibiotic, I'll sure be glad when I'm finished with them as there pretty strong and messing with my system.

Gym tomorrow and if possible I may sneak in a ride in the afternoon.


In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins.
Not through strength, but through persistence.

16 miles
76 deg f
749 days left

Vote Beto

I managed to get in a ride today, kind of iffy around here this morning, our weather is definitely in transition.
I really wanted to get in a ride because it looks like cool rainy weather ahead for next week.

I just rode to town and back and it was fine, little warmer and more humid than yesterday but that will change tomorrow.

30 miles
66 deg f
750 days left

Vote Beto

Today I went to Marshall, Texas for the "Tour de Fireant" bicycle ride.
Even tho it rained on the way to the ride, the ride turned out really nice, mist at the start and sun at the finish. Enjoyed seeing some folks I haven't seen in awhile and I have to thank Nancy Gore for inspiring me to go and for a great ride.

Click on image below for the "Ride Report."

88 deg f
759 days left

Vote Beto


Went to the gym this morning, got in my workout and then got in my socializing, a good morning.
After gym it's the trip to Wally World, then went by Grandys for a chicken diner to go, not a regular thing but a nice treat occasionally.

There's a guy at the gym named Tom, an excellent gardener and a person who keeps on top of things. We were talking a while back about the Gopher problem this year, they have been extremely active. He told me he sets his traps and bingo gets em every time. He got me to thinking, a good while ago I had me some gopher traps but haven't used them for a while, I looked but couldn't find them.
Today after leaving the gym I went by the hardware store and bought a couple of traps.
After I got home and finished my lunch I went out and set my traps. The way it works is, you find two mounds of dirt and then dig down between them until you find the Run. Once you get the hole cleared out and the Run is open in both directions your ready to set the traps, one facing one way and one facing the other, no matter which way he comes you'll get him.

After setting the traps I went in and took my afternoon nap. When I woke up I went out to see if I had any luck with the gophers, sure enough I could tell I had got one because like fishing, the slack in the string was gone. I uncovered the hole and pulled out the first trap, bingo, big Gopher, I thought that was it but when I went to check the other trap, bingo, gopher number 2, first time I ever caught 2 at once in the same run. Bootsie was there to check out the gophers, I think she was amazed at how easy I caught them compared to the amount of digging she has to do, and the number of holes I have to fill in.

I'm going to stay on top of them, got the traps reset and expect I'll catch more.
If your in the mood for some "Gopher Stew" just let me know, these are some healthy gophers.


I ran across this photo while reading a journal by a couple of bike tourers, thought it was funny, couple have a good attitude.

Click image for Journal

82 deg f
760 days left

Vote Beto

I felt fine today after my Endoscopy yesterday so I went for a bike ride.
The weather was good, 82 deg, slight S wind and cloudy during my ride, sun came out just as I was finishing up. I did my loop, Linden, Almira and Red Hill for 25 miles.

I stopped at the Convenience Store for a short break. I went to buy a lottery ticket and the guy in front of me bought a pack of cigarettes.
It's hard to believe that a Pack of Cigarettes cost $7.25, a long drawn out expensive way to kill yourself. I quit smoking cigarettes in 1971, I was working at an Aircraft Plant in Grand Prairie, TX, Cigarettes had just gone up to 50 cents a pack, I couldn't get change for the cigarette machine so I just said "the heck with it I'm not paying 50 cents for cigarettes," I quit. If you'd told me then that they would be 7 dollars a pack I would have told you you were crazy.

Peter Sagan signing copies of his book, "My World" by Peter Sagan, would like to read it when the price is right.

85 deg f
761 days left

Vote Beto


I went to Texarkana today to have my Endoscopy done.
Originally it was planned for 1:30 pm, it was moved up to 1 pm and then it was moved up to 7:30 am, so I just barely woke up and then went back to sleep.
I was happy with the early time since you can't eat or drink before procedure. It was funny that Mike, the guy getting me ready for procedure, told me and Teresa how he had passed me on Hwy 8 on his motorcycle and then he saw me at the Country Store when I pulled in, I did remember talking to him, small world.

The procedure went fine, Teresa took me so she talked to DR Balmain, nothing major, I go back in 4 weeks for a consultation unless biopsies show something that she wants to talk to me about before then.

I got the same knock out drug that Michael Jackson got, I can see why he liked the stuff, a pretty sound nap.
It was funny as I was leaving the Recovery room the Nurse was leading me out of the building, she gets me to the car, I'm saying, "I got this, I'm alright," then I kicked the edge of the car getting in, Teresa and the Nurse saying, "yeah, your alright," me, "Oh I do that all the time."

36 miles, Trucker
84 deg f
762 days left

Vote Beto


Yesterday at the gym Dub Narramore was telling me about his Chestnut tree so today Jerry, Roger and I decided to take a ride to see the Chestnut tree.
We had a good ride, enjoyed out visit with Dub and Becky and was amazed at the Chestnut tree. Dub ordered this tree out of Florida 20 yrs ago and it's done amazingly well considering this isn't it's natural environment.

I just had to post this pic of this beautiful little mushroom I spotted today.

As of today I'm planning on attending the "Tour de Fireant" in Marshall, TX on Oct 13th.